Created by Plant Based Bloke
Preparation: 10mins, Refrigeration: 1hr, Cooking: 10 mins
The Falafels are made from blitzing a tin of Chickpeas with 400g of Defrosted Garden Peas, 2 Tbsp Flax Seed, 2 Tbsp Shelled Hemp, 2 Tbsp Hemp Flour, 2 Tbsp Gram Flour, 1 tsp Paprika, 1 tsp Cumin, 1/2 tsp Cardamom & 1/2 tsp Salt & Pepper.
Blitz it all up really well and make in to 8 patties. Refrigerate for at least an hour then fry in plenty of Oil (in 2 batches of 4) on a medium heat for around 5 minutes each side.
Once the Falafel are firm in the centre, they're good to go!